Utility Recovery Calculator

Based on a 250-unit community, the annual water bill is $120,000. (National average of $40 per unit per month x 12)


Potential Daily Revenue Increase. Pretty Great!


Year-to-Date Missed Revenue

Why Banyan?

If a billing company is trying to be good at everything, they may not be good at anything.

Submeters and RUBS

We design, install, and maintain submeters, and can take billing from an existing system. If you’d prefer a RUBS program or Utility Expense Management, we can do those too.

Resident Portal

Our resident portal is open 24/7 and residents have flexibility on paper or e-bills in Spanish or English, along with multiple payment options.

Customized Programs

No one-size-fits-all billing programs. Your program will be customized to achieve your financial goals and community priorities.

Award-Winning Support

Our Support Team was recognized by The 2020 Stevie Awards as Front-Line Customer Service Team of the Year.

We Extend Your Team

You’ll have a dedicated Account Manager who learns your communities inside and out and provide in-house collections if you desire.

Most Utilities Apply

We can bill for water, sewer, electric, gas, and any other master-billed common area fees.

Get Started Increasing Your NOI Today!